Pet Props was created by McKinley Riddle, a 13-year old animal lover, who has been volunteering at a local shelter for over a year. While volunteering, she realized that shelters can provide better care for the animals if they had increased community support, and she knew she should do something about it. By providing assistance to animal shelters, McKinley believes that shelters will be able to use their own resources to provide even better care to animals awaiting adoption. On behalf of McKinley, her grandpa, Bailey Hendley, approached Donna Butler-Hall, our Maintenance Manager. He asked if Newbold Services would be able to donate the use of one of our service trucks to help Pet Props pick up and deliver donations during a recent fundraiser. Donna and Newbold Services was very happy to help! Donna shared this note of appreciation (shown below) that was hand written by McKinley.
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Dear Mrs. Butler-Hall, I am writing to thank you for arranging the opportunity for my grandfather, Bailey Hendley, to use the box truck. Without your hard work, the $23,000 worth of donations that we picked up would be in the trash. Thanks to your hard work and willingness to help, these supplies will be going to help animals in local shelters.
Thank you,
Julie Mckinley Riddle